Ready to serve?

We believe that every member of the body of Christ has been given gifts to serve the Kingdom of God. Our hope is to help place you on a ministry team where your deep gladness meets the a deep need. We call this The Sweet Spot!

Before you find your Sweet Spot serving here at church, we want to invite you to our Starting Point membership class to become a part of our local church family to better understand the vision of WHFC .


Starting Point membership class serves to cast the vision and mission of Woodland Hills while inspiring  the family to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

This class is offered four times a year, and participation in a Starting Point class is a prerequisite to serve on all volunteer teams at WHFC.


Already a covenant member of Woodland Hills? Let us help you take your next step in finding your Sweet Spot.

The Bible tells us that we are all endowed with spiritual gifts at the time of our salvation. If you have never known what your gifts are, we love to recommend the free S.H.A.P.E. assessment. This S.H.A.P.E survey is not a one size fits all "diagnosis" for spiritual gifts, but we believe that it's a helpful and effective tool to use when discovering yours. Each assessment takes about 45 minutes and should be completed on a laptop.


We hope you take a few minutes to read about all of the serving opportunities at WHFC, then mark your areas of interest on the Sweet Spot form below.

WHFC kids 
WHFC kids 

Woodland Hills is committed to partnering with parents as they teach their child about following Jesus. It is our goal that parents are well informed to talk with their child about the Truths they are learning. From Baby on up to the “in between” years  transitioning from grade school to high school, we want our kids to discover how their story intersects with God’s story by showing them that their story IS God’s story.  Here are ways you can serve:

  • Sunday mornings – serve an hour and attend a gathering (2-hour commitment)
  • Greeter/Check-in Specialist
  • Small group & large group leader
  • Worship, tech, storytellers
  • Ministry coordinators, area floaters, subs, security
  • Thursday Prep Club (10a-12p/bi-monthly) prepare lessons and materials for Sunday classes

*Attending WHFC for at least 6 months required!

WHFC  Students
WHFC  Students

Our Student Ministry’s environment, volunteer leaders, music, skits and games are designed for fun.  Most importantly, our mission is to inspire Jr. high and Sr. high students to engage and understand how the Bible actually applies to their lives to become fully devoted followers of Christ WHFC Students, Grades 6-12, meet on campus, Wednesday nights from 6:30p-8p.  Here are ways you can serve:

  • Greeter/Check-in Specialist
  • Set up & tear down
  • Events team
  • Small group & large group leader
  • Worship team/Slides Tech
  • Student Serve/6th-9th Grade
  • Ministry coordinator, security, sub

*Attending WHFC for at least 6 months required!

Young Adults 
Young Adults 

A gathering of young adults, ages 18-25, challenged to share the gospel in their workplaces, community and campuses.  Building relationships with those who don’t know Jesus and inviting other young adults to participate as a connection point into the church. WHFC Young Adults (YA) meet on campus, Wednesday nights from 8p-9:30p.  Here are ways you can serve:

  • Set-up & tear down
  • Greeters, security
  • Events team
  • Family group leaders
  • Large group communicators
  • Worship team, slides tech
  • Ministry coordinator

*Attending WHFC for at least 6 months required!


Friendly hospitality is key to making others feel special. At Woodland Hills we believe attention to detail and a passion to serve others opens hearts and minds to receive what is being taught. “People remember how you made them feel…”

Our Hospitality Team leads the coffee and drink stations on Sunday mornings and weekly “on campus” classes. Punctuality and a sense of urgency are encouraged. Our environments require fast, friendly awareness of quality and cleanliness while serving coffee, new drink recipes and food at special events. Here are ways you can help:

Coffee server and stocker in The Castle foyer and coffee station at The Gathering Place. Sunday time requirement is 45 minutes before and into the start of each gathering
Refill and re-stocker at each gathering location. Sunday time requirement is during each gathering
Seasonal prep crews serving food and/or drink for weekly classes and events


The Woodland Hills greeting teams are the first faces people see when they enter the campus.  Our goal and passion is for each person to feel loved and welcomed by extending an outstretched hand, welcoming smile and kind voice.

Sunday time requirement is 40 minutes before and into each gathering.  Some positions may require a return after the gathering.  There are also opportunities during the week and at special events.  Here are ways you can serve:

  • Early morning setup and campus prep (6:30a–7:45a)
  • Greeters – indoor and outdoor positions throughout the campus and both parking lots
  • Community Connector | foyer concierge
  • Welcome and Information Desk
  • Ushering
  • Handicap and special needs assistance from parking to the venues
  • Parking lot traffic direction
  • Golf cart driver (before and after each gathering)

There are many behind the scenes ways to serve.  If you have flexibility in your schedule during the week and on Sunday, we have “as needed” opportunities for you to share your gifts and talents by supporting the ministry of Woodland Hills.  Here are ways you can help:

  • Campus maintenance – which can include building projects, clean up, repairs and landscaping
  • Events – set up, cleanup and preparation for special events
  • Medical Team – every Sunday morning and special events.  Background check is required.  Time commitment may be more than one gathering on a Sunday *Attending WHFC for at least 6 months required!)
  • Memorial services + weddings
  • Care Ministry – visiting and communicating with those who are homebound or in the hospital *Attending WHFC for at least 6 months required!)
  • Administrative | office, data entry and printing needs

Ready to serve?

Fill out the Sweet Spot form and someone from our team will be in touch soon.
