We desire to be a church that balances the five purposes that Jesus gave to the church in the New Testament. These purposes are found in Matthew 28:18-20, 23:37-39, and Acts 2:42-47.


Worship is bringing pleasure to God by expressing our love and ascribing ultimate value to Him. It is our objective to give priority to worship by providing resources to educate and inspire individual, family, and corporate worship experiences. We believe that worship goes beyond a Sunday morning service. It involves prayer, reading the Bible, obeying God, giving, building relationships with other Christians, sharing our faith, and serving others.


Fellowship is developing dependence on God and each other. It is our objective to promote biblical fellowship in the church by providing a welcoming atmosphere for our community, guests and members. Fellowship is not limited to casual conversation, socializing, and fun ( though we like to have a lot of fun around here! ) We believe real fellowship is experiencing life together, bearing each-other’s burdens, and serving one another.


Discipleship is taking on the life and practices of Jesus in order to become more like Him. There are simple steps to guide you in your spiritual journey of maturity. The miracle of the Bible’s plan for spiritual maturity is that it can be followed by anyone, in any stage of life.


Ministry is using our spiritual gifts to build one another up. It is our objective to involve each church member in ministry opportunities within the church by helping them to discover and understand they’re spiritual gifts. We believe every member is a minister.


Our heart at Woodland Hills Family Church is to reach those who are without the Good News of the gospel and the hope of Christ. Our desire is to train and equip each member of our church family to reach the lost by sharing our faith.
