Woodland Hills Foster Care Ministry 


Woodland Hills Family Church is dedicated to welcoming and supporting vulnerable families and kids in foster care. If you feel called to become a foster parent, are interested in walking alongside foster families through wrap around care, or are feeling compelled to come discover more about the ministry opportunities surrounding foster care, we would love to have you join us on September 7th in The Chapel where we will not only learn the steps to become a foster parent, but discover the vision behind this unique opportunity where the government and the church work hand in hand to support families and children who need help.


If you’re on mission with us but aren’t at a place to become a foster family, there is a place for you! This other part is called “wrap around care” which simply means we are going to equip you to give all types of support to those on their foster care journey, so, we will help carry the load. After all, that is what a family does!


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress.

James 1:27.


Wednesday | September 7th, 2022 | The Chapel | 6:30-8p

Register Here!